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Project #1: Kit of Parts


Hannah Zupan

Project #1: Kit of Parts

Digital Story Link:

(1025) INTR 225 Project #1: Kit of Parts - YouTube

INTR 225

September 20, 2021

My project is based off the word Ceremony. Ceremony to me means an event where people can come together to either celebrate or grieve. In the beginning of my programming, I wanted to incorporate a meaningful, intimate space for people to feel secure. I knew I wanted the back of the space to feel more private for people who came there. I also knew I wanted the space to feel grand and luxurious for ceremonies.

To achieve this goal, I put walls aligning the entire back of the space, along with the monolith. Because of implementing these items, I created a sense of security in the back of the space where the most important ceremonies would happen. I wanted the monolith to be the center of any celebration and I feel like I achieved that in my space.

 For my project I wanted to elaborate on the back to showcase the importance of not only ceremony but also privacy, since a celebration can be very private for people. Ceremonies can be life changing because normally it is when something grand takes place in someone’s life, so I wanted to make sure I made the space feel big and grand. Ceremonies are for formal, religious, or public occasions, typically one celebrating a particular event or anniversary and I hope I created a space where someone could enjoy their celebrations.

Project #2: Monumental Stair

Hannah Zupan

Project #2: Monumental Stair

Digital Story Link:

Project #2 Monumental Stair - YouTube


INTR 225

October 18, 2021

My project is for my special client, Razan. Razan wanted me to build her a two story cafe, that incorporated tons of bright, fun colors. In the beginning of my programming, Razan wanted me to focus on a structured stair with bright colors incorporated into the design for a wow central factor for the space. She wanted me to incorporate glass paneling throughout the railings leading to the second floor to really highlight the main color way of the stairs.

To achieve this goal, I made a cool color combination with an ombre effect leading up the staircase to really highlight the risers. Every 4 riser there is a different color that Razan wanted to incorporate. These saturated colors stay within the cool side of the color wheel, since those are the colors she choose. I also incorporated steel railings to hold up the glass paneling, which you can see more in the stair section view. 

 For my project I wanted to elaborate on the stairs, so I moved the custom reception desk a little to the right of the stair case to really highlight the stairs as a main focal point and so there could be adequate space for the traffic coming up and down to different parts of the cafe. I also made the reception desk ADA compliant so people with disabilities could easily roll up and/or walk to the open part for help navigating through the space. 

Project #3: 

Hannah Zupan

Project #3: Furniture Design

Digital Story Link:

Project #3: Furniture Design - YouTube


INTR 225

December 5, 2021

The Bienenstock Furniture Library’s passion for education has enabled the Scholarship Program to reach hundreds of students and encourage education within the design and furniture industries. It is our desire to promote the best scholarship competition each year. The Furniture Design Competition design goal will be to complete a chair of original design to a set of requirements and specifications provided below.  The Furniture Design category first place winner will be awarded a $5000.00 scholarship and receive national publicity for themselves and their school.  The furniture design category second place winner will receive a $1,500.00 scholarship.  The first place winner’s design school or department will receive a check for $1000.00.


My inspiration came from this photo of an illusion. I was thinking of "how can I create an illusion with a chair and came up with making a normal chair with the illusion of other chairs being directly behind it. I wanted to create this piece based off of the great artist that based his work off of illusions, which was MC Escher. In the final model I create I would like to keep the wood element how it is but stain it to a pretty rich color. I will also be using pocket holes & nails to keep everything in tact.

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