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Healthcare Design

Peony Crossing 

The Austin Assisted Living Facility is a newly constructed facility in Austin, Texas. This construction will be completed in 2023. The owners have stated that the needs for these residents will vary so making sure to apply physical assistance for all spaces will be crucial. The residents will have a bedroom suite as well as access to communal dining and shared amenities. With ages ranging from 18 to 85+, implementing these goals will support healing, restoration, and connection for an aging resident with varying levels of need. The lively and fully equipped, Peony Crossing, provides an open and accessible environment for all age types and abilities. The newly dedicated space for Peony Crossing is spacious, with views of nature, and flexible rooms, which is setting the tone for this inspirational and collaborative environment. The design drivers to focus on is acoustics, safety, and functionality. These key drivers will help set the comfortable, transitional setting for this restorative space.

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