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Residential Design - The Turner Residence 

Project 2 was about creating a residential home for a client we came up with ourselves. This project we had a tons of freedom because we were able to create a client story with a background to grasp a deeper understanding of what kind of style we were going for. In this project we were also given the task to find our own home we wanted to make in Revit along with making components, but now to a higher standard. In this project I made most of my own kitchen components (ie. the shelves, the island, and the cabinets), I made my own fireplace for the inside and outside and also photoshopped pictures on the television and the fire to make them look more realistic, I also created the back paneling wall, and I also created a ton of materials within the space (ie. the French mosaic tiles outside). Overall, I really feel like I mastered this assignment and did it to the best of my abilities. You can really see my growth in this project and it makes me very proud. 

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