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Hello, my name is Hannah Zupan and I am a student from Indianapolis University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). I grew up in Indianapolis, Indiana and went to Warren Central High School, where I obtained my Academic Honors Diploma in 2017. I have always been involved with some type of form of arts while in high school. I was in theater arts for a total of four years and participated in many after school activities. I am a swimming instructor and supervisor for the Warren Central High School Aquatics Center. I first came into college with the intentions of going for something else rather than Interior Design; however, during my sophomore year in college I actually met with an advisor and did a Myer Brigg's assessment and found out that Interior Design fit in my description and ever since then I have been in love with the program and everything about it. I love the artistic abilities we are able to capture with all of our courses we take. Everything we have learned I now think about on a daily basis and I even notice every little thing when I go out in public places or private places from light bulbs to structural elements and even principles and elements that are placed throughout the space. Two goals that I have for myself for the future is to acquire my real estate license and to invested in homes and rent them out or sell them but using my Interior Design skills to make these homes the best and most efficient they can be and also obtaining a career in the commercial field. My love for commercial buildings has flourished in the Spring 2021 semester for me and I think that I have finally found my place in the field!

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